Claire Staveley
Mixed media artist

‘The end is where we start from’
The work of Claire Staveley is a collection of explorations encompassing both digital and analogue photography, along with metalwork experimentation with printed aluminium and silversmithing. Inspired by inherited ephemera and artefacts, the work is underpinned by the aim to transform a story of grief into a new commentary, to reframe the narrative and create artworks in celebration of a presence, albeit now absent.
The inherited objects and jewellery, now reformed into three dimensional prints and casts, are a fusion of allegories encompassing the circularity of time. The mixed media approach of the collection is ambiguous, and the metaphorical representations separately convey a story, collectively they narrate a potent wealth of hauntological experiences. Each piece is intrinsically bound to the next revealing the emergence of new dialogues. The work is a vanitas, depicting the transience of life, imbued with whispers. The complex visuals that accompany the body of work, display an indecipherable visual language of thought images, abstracted, waiting to be decoded.